Change is uncomfortable for teens.
There are many fears associated with change. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown and most prevalent a fear of what others may think.
The truth is change is inevitable, they cannot stop it. They may be able to avoid it but it will eventually catch up to them and they will have to face it.
How they face change will often dictate their emotional state around that change and more importantly their personal growth.
Change is a catalyst for growth and when they embrace change and see the lessons to be learned from stepping outside their comfort zone and embracing it, they become more resilient, wiser, confident and develop a positive sense of self.
Change is hard, but teaching our teens to pull back when that fear kicks in and really thinking about how this change will impact them and how they can embrace it as opposed to resisting it, will help foster that growth.
#change #youthmentalhealth #teenmentalhealth