Absolutely one of my favorite and most accurate quotes!
This quote truly is a life lesson waiting to be learned.
The teenage years are a pivotal point in our children’s lives, filled
with endless opportunities, unlearned lessons, and possibilities.
Teach them to Explore Their Passions
This is the time to try new things, discover what ignites a fire in
their heart, and pursue those passions. Whether it’s art, science,
sports, or something entirely unique, tell them don’t be afraid to
dive in and give it their all.
Teach them to Learn and Grow
The world is literally their classroom, and learning is a lifelong
journey. Teach them to embrace education and not just in school
but the lessons they are taught through their choices and
decisions. Sometimes the consequences of these decisions are
the greatest lessons they can teach themselves. Challenge them
to grow, both academically and personally, every day.
Teach them to Build Connections
Relationships are the cornerstone of life. Reaching out to people
they want to get to know, making friends, and building meaningful
connections are all vital to a successful and joyful life.
Teach them to Explore the World
The world is vast and full of excitement and wonder. Take the time
to visit places (local or far away) and learn about the world we live
in and how we share it with others. The awareness they will get
oftentimes makes them realize they have much to be grateful for
that they at times take for granted.
Opportunities and lessons are abundant but if they allow fear and
insecurity to get in the way, they won’t take advantage of them and the pain of
missed opportunities and unlearned lessons will exact a much
bigger toll on them, than missing any shot they take.