This one is for those perfectionists out there! As parents we see this in some of our teens.
Perfectionists often struggle to get started because of a fear of what they are working on, is not quite ready to go or they can’t begin until all the pieces are in place.
I have some good news and some bad news for you.
The bad news is that you will never find perfection. It does not exist for you. That is why you are a perfectionist. No matter how great an outcome is, you will always be looking for a better way.
This is actually a beautiful trait to possess as long as it does not get in the way of your mental health or ability to thrive due to inaction.
The good news is, it just takes the first small step forward to start and you will be well on your way. Allowing your fear of it not being perfect is the very thing that keeps you from achieving your goal.
I have said it before and I will say it again. Failure is an option. How can we create something perfect if we don’t first understand the imperfections?
If you struggle with being a perfectionist, it is really ok. I struggle with it too!
Just posting on these platforms in itself was a struggle. When I go back and look at old posts, compared to what I post now, it is very different. It took me so long to get comfortable posting because I was afraid of it not sounding right, being grammatically perfect or how others would view my posts.
I knew until I made that first post, I would not make any. So I jumped off the ledge and went for it. I know, they may not all resonate, or have perfect grammar but what I do know is my intention when I write them.
I am so comfortable now putting out there my thoughts or sharing my strategies regardless of those things or others opinions and I never would have if I did not get started.
So don’t be afraid to set and take action on your goals. It does not have to be perfect the first time, it just has to be you being your authentic self and intentional and you will attract back the right people to support you and accomplish what you set out to do every time.