Have you ever been in a situation where your passionate about something and when you choose to share it with others, they tend to downplay it and deflate your positive energy around that passion.
It does not feel good to be so excited about something, just to have others try and take that excitement away from you. Don’t allow others to dissuade you from following your passion. When we do something that tends to go against the norm of others, they will always comment and push their opinion on you. Use these opinions and comments as motivation to build your dream and pursue your passion.
Prove them wrong and don’t let what they say keep you from achieving what you want. The strongest foundation is one built on disbelief and doubt.
Why? When you disregard all that disbelief and doubt and use it as a motivator to achieve what you set out to do, you just proved everyone wrong. When those doubters see what was built, they will never again doubt you and that foundation will stay strong for as long as you are willing to support it.
Teach your teens to understand this concept. Many times the doubters are just coming from a place of envy or jealousy. It is important for them to have self belief and not to give up or back down when others try and shake the foundation they are trying to build. If we believe in them, then they will believe in themselves and this will ensure they thrive.