As a parent, I understand the anxiety we struggle with around raising our kids is hard to manage at times.
We worry about the experiences they have as they grow with relation to socialization, world events, school pressure and peer pressure just to name a few.
We so badly want to help them avoid the pitfalls and traps we see them walking into. It is hard to watch them make a choice or a decision that we know will end bad for them.
If there is one thing you can change today about raising your children, please learn to let them fail. I know, it is hard, it hurts and takes a toll on our mental health as parents.
I promise you, your kids are resilient. They can handle what life throws at them. It may hurt for a bit, but they will find a way to work through it and grow from it.
The worst thing we can do is remove every obstacle to their success and ensure they never experience these failures. They may succeed in the moment but long term, this will cause more harm than good when failure rears its ugly head and there is nothing you can do to help.
Guide them, support them, love them, teach them to get back up and try again. Don’t try to save them! Be there for them when they fail and help them understand and see the lesson in that failure.
They will appreciate you so much more for giving them the trust and space to fail and they will continue to build resilience to the point where they will be unstoppable.