Another great quote and lesson for our teens!
Each day is a blank canvas waiting for them to paint their story.
They have incredible power to decide how they want to fill it – with bold strokes of courage and enthusiasm or with hesitant lines of fear and excuses. It’s like having a superpower that’s entirely within their control!
The key to unlocking their inner greatness is to make a conscious choice every morning. Each new day allows for a superhero moment where they get to decide to let out the best version of themselves.
It’s about breaking free from the pile of doubts, regrets, and “what ifs” that might be holding them back.
It’s not always easy, and there will be challenges. It is important to remind them that greatness isn’t about being perfect; it’s about embracing their unique strengths and learning from the journey.
By choosing to live each day as the best you, they are stepping into their own spotlight, ready to shine and make a lasting impact on the world.