Remember this: There are two kinds of people who might tell you that you can’t make a difference in this world.
The first type is the ones who are too scared to even try. They let fear hold them back from chasing their dreams and making a mark on the world. Don’t let their fears become yours!
The second type is the ones who are afraid you’ll actually succeed. They worry that your success will shine a light on their own limitations. But here’s the thing: Your success doesn’t diminish anyone else’s potential. In fact, it can inspire them to reach the level of success they desire for themselves as well.
So, don’t be held back by the doubts of others. Believe in your power to create change, aim high, and work hard. Your journey could inspire others to break free from their fears and embrace their own potential.
This is how we change the world for the better and connect with others on a higher level.