Self-Awareness is the first step toward self-improvement and understanding your own needs and desires, as well as knowing your own strengths and weakness. Self-Awareness helps you to assess your current mental state about yourself and your belief systems. It is the foundation for transformational growth and success.
Self-Awareness is an essential quality for teens who are starting to find themselves. Enrolling in character development workshops promotes Self-Awareness and helps teens recognize areas they excel in and areas they can work on toward transformational change.
Here are a few steps to become more Self-Aware:
Know Thyself
Becoming Self-Aware is a process of knowing and understanding yourself. Being able to recognize the emotions you experience, understand the feelings associated with them, and making a firm decision, to take action toward ensuring these emotions can benefit you in a positive way.
Reserve twenty minutes every day to develop a daily practice of self-reflection. Wether it be by keeping a journal, taking a long walk, praying or meditating, reflection can take many forms. This helps you to focus on the essential things in your life, takes you away from the anger and anxiety and gives you an outlet to get it out of your system.
Get Honest Feedback
Everyone has some traits that can be seen by others that they miss to notice in themselves. Such traits are what tend to help people shape opinions about others. These traits can be identified by receiving honest feedback from the people you trust.
Talk to a Life Coach Who Works With Teens
The best way to truly grow and do a deep introspective on yourself is to have a Life Coach guide you through this journey of self exploration and change. They will help you realize so much about yourself and allow you the space to make the changes you need to make to find your true north.