During adolescence, teenagers require a certain type of support and communication style with their parents that they can benefit from. At the same time they demand more space and independence. So it can get quite frustrating as a parent trying to understand their actions and for them to not be able to properly communicate their needs. Here is some good advice for the parents out there who struggle with this.
Be Present
You must always be available for your kids. Not just physically, but in a mindful way. You can carry out your daily activities simultaneously but avoid using your phone or other electronic gadgets around them. It makes you appear occupied and not within easy reach.
Listen to Them
If you want to get your kids to talk, you must avoid freaking out or interrupting them before they finish what they have got to say. Try to connect with them first rather than correcting their mistakes right away. Let them know that you can give them the space to have a conversation like an adult. It will improve the confidence of your children, especially in you.
Offer Guidance
Most parents offer suggestions and advice to their kids whenever they face any problem. It is a not the best practice as much and we want to help. Instead, you have to let them weigh their own situation and come up with possible solutions. This will help them develop problem-solving skills and promote personal growth. You must act as a sounding board unless they straightforwardly ask for suggestions from you. Sometimes they just need to vent and want to be heard. They must fail, to grow and when we try to avoid them failing by protecting them we actually limit the growth they are capable of achieving. Have trust in them at let them make their own decisions and benefit from the consequences whether they turn out good or bad. Either way they learn what works and what doesn’t and that is what will help them be successful in life.